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Revival OF Maithili Cinema and Maithili Music

Maithili Cinema and Maithili Music sector is thriving and there is tremendous buzz these days.New projects are announced ,discussed and some have even fructified.FM on Mobile Handsets and dozens of Nepali FM Radio Stations have virtually revived the Maithili Cinema and Maithili Music.These FM stations are transmitting all kinds of Maithili songs which are very popular among masses.Many would find it disturbing as they do not approve the raunchy numbers with racy lyrics.But masses love that and now prefer to buy  Maithili DVD .Earlier these people would settle for Bhojpuri CD/DVD.
Now Maithil singer and other artists are much in demand.Those who have made some name charge hefty money and they are booked on festive occasions.Their days of penury are over.They are on their way of prosperity now.

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