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FM Radio In The Mithila Belt

FM radio has become quite popular in the Mithila belt. Some of the popular FM radio channels are Radio Janakpur, Radio Mithila, Janakpur FM, Radio Today, Janaki FM, Mithilanchal FM and Radio Appan Mithila. These FM stations mainly cover parts of Nepal and the Mithila region. The channels have become popular among the middleclass as well as villagers. They also broadcast news of local interest.

Politicians in Bihar's Mithilanchal region used FM radio channels for their campaigning. More than half a dozen FM radio channels have become quite popular among people living in bordering areas of Bihar, including Sitamarhi, Madhubani and Darbhanga districts.

The FM radio stations would broadcast politicians' speeches mostly in Maithili, the language spoken in the region. The channels use both Nepali and Maithili for their programmes. Maithili is the unofficial second language in Nepal spoken by Madhesis.

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